Dates: 21, 29 March, 12, 18, 25 April, and 3, 9 May 2023 (Seven Full-day Sessions with Physical Format) Enquiry:+852 2235 9027 or ...
English | 繁體中文 Inquiry: +852 2235 9027 | Overview | Participants | Objectives | Trainers | Tuition Fees | Trac...
香港中文大學博士校友會,粵港澳大灣區校董及行政人員總會及創鋒教育(InnoEdge Education)在11月12日下午四時半於線上合辦設計思維應用於生涯規劃 (第四輯)已經成功舉行。在這次的研討會,三位勇於創造突破人生的 Design Thinkers,包括 林偉強博士、孫...
**Online Registration (線上報名)** (Please click here for the video recording of the DT Facilitator Graduation Ceremony on Januar...
Hong Kong's premier course on Developing Sustainable Business Models through Systems Thinking was successfully conducted on March 28, 2024....
Hong Kong's first class on Integrating Design Thinking with Artificial Intelligence (AI) was successfully conducted on March 25, 2024. Dist...
Congratulations to Our Newest Design Thinking Fundamentals Course Graduates! The two-day public class of the Designthinkers Academy (DTA...
Congratulations to Our Newest Graduates of the Data-Driven Service Innovation Certificate Course. The three-day public class of the Des...
In recent years, Design Thinking (DT) has garnered substantial interest and recognition as a powerful problem-solving methodology, appealin...
由Design For Change Hong Kong、感恩城市慈善基金-香港冊慈善團體(91/10008)主辦 - 誠邀你參與全球超過 60個國家均投入參加的最大型設計思維運動 :  Design For Change (DFC) !主動解難,建立志同道合的團隊一起行動,運...