The Senior Partner of InnoEdge Consulting, Mr. David Chung, was invited by the Department of Business of Vocational Training Council to con...
The Senior Partner, Mr. David Chung, of InnoEdge was invited by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau-Bay Area Economic and Trade Institute to cond...
Ms. Flora Chan, the Partner of InnoEdge Consulting, was invited by the Hong Kong Institute of Directors to conduct the session "How Human-C...
The Co-Founder of InnoEdge Consulting and Designthinkers Academy Hong Kong, Mr. David Chung was invited to to share a session of "Developin...
Congratulations to Our Newest Design Thinking Fundamentals Course Graduates! The two-day public class of the Designthinkers Academy (DTA...
MP HR Community與InnoEdge Consulting共同主辦的「設計思維:人力資源轉型篇」網上研討會於2023年11月9日晚上8時成功舉行。這次的研討會吸引了超過100位來自人力資源管理領域的專業人士參與。本次研討會的主講嘉賓為鍾大為先生 (Mr. David...
The senior partner of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, was invited by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups to share a session of "Unleashing&...
我們作為主辦兒童心理健康活動的機構代表,非常榮幸獲得香港電台新紫荊廣場節目的邀請,共同探討如何關懷及支持弱勢兒童的成長。 同時,我們亦詳細介紹將會在3月23日舉行的Social Hackathon 社創黑客松: 跨世代合作競賽,而比賽主題是「如何改善劏房兒童的心理健康...
The 1-Day Design Thinking Fundamentals Certificate Program was held on 2 Nov of 2019. The program were conducted by Mr. David Chung (Senior...
The Think Tank of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, and Mr. Inno Man were invited to act as speakers at a Global Telecom Conference - iCU'17. The s...