There were 16 business executives, training professionals and marketing experts participated the management training workshop of "Creating B...
The senior partner of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, is invited to share "Developing the Blue Oceans of China and ASEAN ten countries throu...
The Senior Partners of InnoEdge were invited by HKCSS Institute to share the successful cases of Design Thinking in Hong Kong on 19 July 201...
The Senior Partner of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, was invited to act as a panel member for Retail Innovation Summit 2018. The summit was orga...
The Design Thinking simulation workshop, Creating Unlimited Blue Ocean for HK Service Industries, was held on 1 Nov at InnoCenter of HK...
第三部分講題: 『顛覆創新,業績倍增』 顛覆式業務創新是以進取,甚至破格的方式,把產品、服務、渠道、甚至營銷模式, 轉化成為全方位的獨特顧客體驗,從而令顧客成為品牌的永久忠實擁護者。
English | 繁體中文 Aim | Knowledge Version | Importance | Objectives | Trainers | Dates, Fee and Registration | Flyer | Info Session ...
It was our pleasure to hold a Research Presentation Session for “Outlook for E-Commerce Transformation in HK 2018” on 8 March at the confere...
The Senior Partner of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, was invited to conduct a sharing session for Executives' Global Network Hong Kong on 10 Jul...
The Think Tank of InnoEdge was invited by CITIC Telecom to share Business Innovation at  the Executive Luncheon of Reinventin...