In recent years, Design Thinking (DT) has garnered substantial interest and recognition as a powerful problem-solving methodology, appealin...
Hong Kong's premier course on Empowering Your Creativity and Innovation Power was successfully conducted on March 29, 2024. Distinguished e...
Hong Kong's premier course on Developing Sustainable Business Models through Systems Thinking was successfully conducted on March 28, 2024....
Hong Kong's premier course on Creating Wonderful User Experiences through Customer Journey Design was successfully conducted on March 28, 2...
Hong Kong's first class on Integrating Design Thinking with Artificial Intelligence (AI) was successfully conducted on March 25, 2024. Dist...
(以下內容是節錄自大會的官方活動回顧,並把簡體轉為繁體中文) 會議概覽 設計思維國際學院的4位代表(義榮恩,林寶成、鍾大為及葉國洪)獲邀參與在2024年3月27日舉行,由大灣區產教聯盟指導,廣東科技學院、澳門中西創新學院、廣東博思雲科教技術有限公司聯合主辦的「設計思...
活動總覽 設計思維國際學院(DesignThinkers Academy)在2024年3月26日於中國廣州市天河區柏悅酒店的66樓會議廳舉辦了備受矚目的設計思維國際論壇2024及合作夥伴簽署儀式。此次盛會匯聚了來自世界各地的專家學者和行業領導者,共同探討設計思維在全球創新...
由「社創基金」撥款資助,創鋒顧問有限公司 及 浸信會愛羣社會服務處聯合主辦的第二屆「社創黑客松: 跨世代合作競賽」已於2024年3月23日在振萬廣場的The Lu+ 順利舉行。「社創黑客松」是一個以社會議題為核心的協作式製作創新方案比賽,參賽隊伍在比賽前探索劏房基層兒童的真實需...
English | 繁體中文 In today's business world, driven by artificial intelligence and fraught with variables, how do business leaders mainta...
English | 繁體中文 Inquiry: +852 2235 9027 | Overview | Participants | Objectives | Trainers | Tuition Fees | Trac...