繁體中文 | English Table of Contents Part 01BootCamp OverviewPart 02Innovation Techniques and ToolsPart 03Targeted ParticipantsPart 0...
活動總覽 設計思維國際學院(DesignThinkers Academy)在2024年3月26日於中國廣州市天河區柏悅酒店的66樓會議廳舉辦了備受矚目的設計思維國際論壇2024及合作夥伴簽署儀式。此次盛會匯聚了來自世界各地的專家學者和行業領導者,共同探討設計思維在全球創新...
Overview On February 22, 2024, the City University of Hong Kong's Marketing Department hosted a distinguished session of the Executive L...
全球最大型設計思維運動 Design For Change 由Design For Change Hong Kong、感恩城市慈善基金-香港註冊 慈善團體(91/10008)及創鋒教育主辦 - 誠邀你參與全球60 多個國家 正投入的最大型設計思維運動Design For ...
Recap of the First-ever class of this course on 11 and 12 Aug 2023
English | 繁體中文 Inquiry: +852 2235 9027 | cs@innoedge.com.hk Overview | Participants | Objectives | Trainers | Tuition Fees | Trac...
由香港互聯網及電子商貿協會、OpenCertHub Academy及 InnoEdge Consulting聯合舉辦的「數據驅動的設計思維,更快更準實現創新成果」線上研討會,已經在2023年7月25日成功舉行。本次活動旨在提升商業領袖的創新效益,透過四位跨領域專家的個案分享,讓...
English | 繁體中文 Inquiry: +852 2235 9027 | cs@innoedge.com.hk Overview | Participants | Objectives | Trainers | Tuition Fees | Trac...
The Designthinkers Academy (DTA) Design Thinking Facilitation Course (Public Class) was held from 16 to 17 June 2023. The class was the fou...
Mr. David Chung, the esteemed Managing Partner of InnoEdge Consulting, was extended an invitation by GS1 Hong Kong to lead an enlightening ...