The Synergistic Power between Design Thinking and ISO 56002: 2019
The design Thinking Method is a human-centered approach focused on und...
To empower your team and elevate innovation capabilities throughout the World of Chinese, we offer specialized training programs in Design ...
The DesignThinkers Academy celebrated its Global Hubs Day on October 9, 2024, at its headquarters in Amsterdam. This event mar...
The Design Thinking Global Conference 2024, held in Amsterdam on October 10th and 11th, brought together industry leaders, innovators, and ...
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2024年9月14日,在北京中国国家会议中心举行的第八届中国服务贸易标准化论坛期间,设计思维国际学院中国总校 (DesignThinkers Academy China, DTA China) 院长钟大为先生与中国国际贸易促进委员会商业行业委...
设计思维国际学院中国总校的 院长钟大为先生 及 课程发展主任李家聪先生,获邀出席第八届中国服务贸易标准化论坛。该论坛由中国贸促会商业行业委员会和中国标准化协会共同主办,中国贸促会商业行业委员会(以下简称商业贸促会)标准工作部(国际标准化研究中心)和中国标准化协会服务贸易分会承办...
设计思维国际学院中国总校的 院长钟大为先生 及 课程发展主任李家聪先生,获邀出席第八届中国服务贸易标准化论坛。
We are delighted to announce the successful completion of our four half-day Design Thinking Fundamentals Course, hosted by Designthinkers A...
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第一部份: 背景
第二部份: DT 1.0 (傳統的 設計思維方法)
第三部份: DT 2.0 (數據驅動的 設計思維方法)
第四部份: DT 3.0 (應用人工智能工具的 數據驅動設計思維方法)
In recent years, the Hong Kong market has been actively embracing advanced technologies to enhance business capabilities and improve custom...