當一個企業進行「創新規劃」前,先要檢討一下企業的所處的外在及內在環境。「外在環境」包括了市場、科技、政治、經濟、社會五方面,而「內在環境」則包括了管理、企業文化、對創意的能力、操作、績效等五方面。 在了解企業所處的背景後,企業應要為創新規劃釐定「創新願景及策略」。 ...
A feature article of HKCSS Institute Newsletter about Design Thinking applications for different sectors in Hong Kong and China: 『找出痛點,化為優點,...
By: David Chung 傳統的單純一買一賣零售經營模式,縱使能夠把銷售渠道由實體伸延到線上,收入模式也會因為同一件產品只銷售一次的限制,而不能出現突破性業績增長。 共享經濟的經營概念在近年非常流行,但大多數是運用於服務性的行業(例如 Airbnb ,Uber ,...
李顯龍總理在新加坡科技設計大學首次舉辦的部長論壇上發表演講時說,主題是憑藉設計思維(Design Thinking)把危機轉化成契機,甚至創造自身強項;他認為優良的設計思維是令 新加坡 成功從第三世界國家走向第一世界國家的關鍵因素之一,下來要再蛻變,並繼續保持全球領先地位,設計...
Macau is a new market for design thinking and has the potential to adapt such innovation in the city’s service industry, says Hong Kon...
By: David Chung What is the critical driver for customers to make their buying decisions? While it is natural to expect customers to ma...
As one of the market leaders of Business Design Thinking in Hong Kong, we were invited by the Business Discipline of Vocational Tr...
We are one of the market leaders of Design Thinking in Hong Kong and were invited by the Business Discipline of Vocational Training...
As one of the market leaders of Business Design Thinking in Hong Kong, we were invited by the Business Discipline of Vocational Tr...
As one of the market leaders of Business Design Thinking in Hong Kong, we were invited by the Business Discipline of Vocational Tr...