InnoEdge Consulting (InnoEdge), DesignThinkers Academy Singapore (DTA Singapore), and DesignThinkers Academy South Africa (DTA South Africa...
Our Program Directors were invited by the School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) of the City University of Hong Kong to de...
The 1-Day Design Thinking Fundamentals Certificate Program was held on 28 Sep of 2019. The program were conducted by Mr. David Chung (Senio...
InnoEdge Design Thinking team, Mr. David Chung, Ms. Flora Chan, Ms. Yvonne Chan, Mr. Jimmy Wan, Ms. Tiffany Liu, were invited by Macau Youn...
InnoEdge Consulting 與 浸信會愛羣社會服務處合辦的黑客松比賽(Hackathon)在5月28日的歡呼聲下順利完成!今次比賽集結不同界別,包括創新科技、設計、商業、教育及社會服務等專才力量,最後由46名Hackers分成6隊,進入決賽。 以下是4分...
There were over 60 business owners of Hong Kong's small & medium enterprises participated in the Design Thinking business simulation wor...
Designthinkers Academy (DTA) was invited by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce to co-host a 1-day Design Thinking Fundamentals Certi...
We were invited by the Business Discipline of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) to conduct a 3-hour Design Thinking Hackath...
There were around 15 senior executives of family business enterprises participated in the seminar of "傳承中的創新 座談會: 企業只有不斷創新,才能永續經營" at Legacy...
There were over 200 young entrepreneurs participated the Design Thinking seminar of 創意解難,創業無極限 on 31 July 2018. ...