English | 繁體中文 Aims | Target Audience | Objectives | Date, Fee & Registration | Details | Previous Classes Part 1:...
Please click here for the video recording of the first DT Facilitator Graduation Ceremony in Hong Kong, China Part 1: The Rol...
English | 繁體中文 Overview | 4 Core Strategies | Creative Business | ESG | Customer | Employee As an innovative leader, are you ...
English | 繁體中文 Inquiry: +852 6395 9027 (Whatsapp) | +852 2235 9027 (Phone) | cs@innoedge.com.hk Overview | Participants | Objecti...
English | 繁體中文 Inquiry: +852 6395 9027 (Whatsapp) | +852 2235 9027 (Phone) | cs@innoedge.com.hk Overview | Participants | Objecti...
English | 繁體中文 Inquiry: +852 6395 9027 (Whatsapp) | +852 2235 9027 (Phone) | cs@innoedge.com.hk Overview | Participants | Objecti...
English | 繁體中文 Inquiry: +852 6395 9027 (Whatsapp) | +852 2235 9027 (Phone) | cs@innoedge.com.hk Overview | Participants | Objecti...
亮點| 簡介 | 報告和工具 | 收獲 | 目標學員 | 導師 | 日期 | 學費和報名 創新管理工作坊 主題及亮點 主題:「應用 AI 精準鎖定市場迫切需求,制定極具回報的業務策略」創新業務策略規劃 工作坊 (AI Design Thinking for S...
DesignThinkers Academy Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Management Association, is proud to present the inaugural Design Spri...
In response to current complex challenges, innovative leaders must integrate creative thinking, AI technology, and data analysis to swiftly...