InnoEdge Design Thinking team, Mr. David Chung, Ms. Tiffany Liu, Mr. Simon Lee, Mr. Paul Lee, and Ms. Yan Choi, was invited by the Hong Kon...
由香港互聯網及電子商貿協會、OpenCertHub Academy及 InnoEdge Consulting聯合舉辦的「數據驅動的設計思維,更快更準實現創新成果」線上研討會,已經在2023年7月25日成功舉行。本次活動旨在提升商業領袖的創新效益,透過四位跨領域專家的個案分享,讓...
The COVID-19 pandemic, as the ongoing coronavirus disease is significantly impacting businesses and the economy.  It is curious to see...
The key members of InnoEdge consulting team (Mr. David Chung and Mr. Persy Chung) were invited by Kingdee International Software Group...
We were pleased to launch a FIRST-EVER IXL Center, Winning in the New Normal program in HK with HKPC. The first class of the first cohort s...
The Senior Partner of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, was invited by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) to conduct a 2-hour volunt...
For helping the public to understand the value and content of our upcoming DTA-PMI course on Design Thinking for Project Professionals. Des...
InnoEdge Design Thinking Team, Mr. David Chung, Ms. Tiffany Liu and Mr. Jimmy Wan, were invited by the School of Continuing and Professiona...
Online Registration: Registration Closed Online Registration: Registration Closed
香港中文大學博士校友會,粵港澳大灣區校董及行政人員總會及創鋒教育(InnoEdge Education)在11月12日下午四時半於線上合辦設計思維應用於生涯規劃 (第四輯)已經成功舉行。在這次的研討會,三位勇於創造突破人生的 Design Thinkers,包括 林偉強博士、孫...