Customer Connection Assessment Services

Creating unbreakable connections with customers is not just related to product issues, it is an alignment of holistic solutions and the customer experience lifecycle. Providing satisfactory products is fundamental to fully engaging your customers in the demanding digital world. Further, creating an emotional connection with customers at crucial moments will give you the edge in improving your customer acquisition and retention rate.

Customer satisfaction is unable to reflect the overall customer experience, and is more likely to ignore the micro-interactions that often cause customers to feel uncomfortable. In recent years, research has shown that fully emotionally connected customers are 52% more valuable than those who are merely satisfied. (For details, please read left figures)

Customer Connection Assessment is one of the most effective ways to evaluate the emotional connection between a business and its customers.

The assessment procedure can be used with any type or component of business, from product and service offerings to physical and online channels and human and digital touch interactions.
Based on the overall degree of your business’s connection with customers, you can not only accurately predict customer acquisition and retention rates, but also develop business strategies to effectively enhance revenue, profit, and market share.
To help management to determine the factors enhancing their business’s customer connection rate, we classify intangible emotional connections into five levels of emotional connection using a patented method. (For details, please read right diagram)
In addition, we provide a comprehensive benchmarking system to finetune the specifications of each level to different industries. Using our patented method, the degree of emotional connection is formulated by combining 64 sets of data on customers’ verbal feedback, behaviors, or feelings.

To carry out a preliminary assessment of the emotional connection between your business and its customers, we provide a rapid 16-question online assessment.

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