The 1.5-hour webinar of Design Thinking for Insurance Customer Acquisition (運用「設計思維」於網絡吸收保險客戶) was conducted at 7:00 pm on 24 March 2022. The webinar was co-organized by Hong Kong Internet & Ecommerce Association and InnoEdge Consulting. The webinar was conducted in Cantonese and led by Mr. David Chung, Managing Partner of InnoEdge Consulting.
The speakers were Mr. Luke Chu, Chairman of Hong Kong Internet & Ecommerce Association, Mr. K M. Yim, former Chairman of Hong Kong Institute of Marketing, Mr. Inno Man, Senior Partner of InnoEdge Consulting, and Mr. Wong, In-Charge of Digital Distribution (Asia) of a well-known insurance company.

Below are four parts of the webinar and the links of video recordings:
Part 1: 研討會與設計思維簡介 (By David Chung) [Video Recording]
Part 2: 10大國際保險集團改善業績的秘密 (Mr. K. M. Yim) [video Recording]
Part 3: 如何把「以人為本」應用於保險業數碼營銷? (Mr. Luke Chu) [Video Recording]
Part 4: 社交媒體營銷,優化成交率達124% (Mr. Inno Man and Mr. Wong) [Video Recording]
Topic: 計思維簡介
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung
Duration: 4 minutes
Topic: 美國萬通 (MassMutual):通過職業規劃策略開發青年市場
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. K. M. Yim
Duration: 7 minutes
Topic: Baloise:推廣家居保險給青年市場
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. K. M. Yim
Duration: 3 minutes
Topic: 保誠保險 (Prudential) :建立企業創新文化以維持業務增長
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. K. M. Yim
Duration: 4 minutes
Topic: 如何把「以人為本」應用於保險業數碼營銷?
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. Luke Chu
Duration: 12 minutes
Topic: 香港的保險公司:提升陌生市場的成交率124%
Langauge: 粵語
Speakers: Inno Sir, Wong Sir, and David Chung
Duration: 29 minutes