The Designthinkers Academy (DTA) 4-Week Data-Driven Human-Centered Design for Digital Customer Experience training course (Public Class) was held from 30 April to 21 May 2022. The class was the first-ever class in the DTA world.

The class was led by DAVID Chung Tai-Wai, Managing Partner of DTA HK. In addition, it was our great pleasure to invite Dr. Toa CHARM (President, OpenCertHub Academy)as the guest speaker for Data Science lessons and Mr. Luke Chu (Chairman of Hong Kong Internet & eCommrce Association) as the guest speaker for Digital Marketing lessons.

About DesignThinkers Academy Hong Kong:
DesignThinkers Academy (DTA) is one of the global leading Design Thinking (DT) training institutes. It represents 25 countries and has developed over 75,000 Design Thinkers for hundreds of top-notch companies. DTA Hong Kong aims to provide a world-class innovation model with localized practices. Innoedge Consulting Limited is the major shareholder of DesignThinkers Hong Kong Limited, we operate the training services of DesignThinkers Academy in the Hong Kong region.