Our Consultants, Mr. David Chung (Managing Partner), Ms. Yvonne Chan (Principal Consultant), and Mr. Paul Lee (Senior Consultant), were invited by the School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University to conduct a webinar of “Creating New Business Opportunities for Hospitality Sector in the Post-COVID-19 Era” on 15 Aug 2022. There were 6 parts for the webinar:
Part 1: Opening Remark (by Dr. Keith Chau, Senior Continuing Education Consultant, SPEED)
Part 2: Introduction to Design Thinking (by Mr. David Chung)
Part 3: Case Study One (by Mr. David Chung)
Part 4: Case Study Two (by Mr. Paul Lee)
Part 5: Case Study Three (by Ms. Yvonne Chan)
Besides the webinar, we will co-organize a 1.5-day training workshop on Using Design Thinking for Better Digital Transformation in Hospitality on 21 & 23 September 2022. For the details of the workshop, please click: https://www.speed-polyu.edu.hk/short-course/design_thinking
Topic: Introduction to Webinar
Speaker: Opening Remark (by Dr. Keith Chau, Senior Continuing Education Consultant, SPEED)
Duration: 1 minute
Topic: Introduction to Design Thinking (設計思維如何適用於酒店業)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, Managing Partner, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 10 minutes
Topic: Case Study One – Effective Digital Transformations for New Market Development through Design Thinking (Airbnb:在COVID-19期間進行市場發展的數字轉型)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, Managing Partner, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 7 minutes
Topic: Case Study Two – 如何為「航空業」在疫後創出新商機
Speaker: Mr. Paul Lee, Senior Consultant, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 12 minutes
Topic: Case Study Three – How HYATT to Creating Opportunities during the Pandemic? (HYATT:在COVID-19期間創造新的業務機遇)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Ms. Yvonne Chan, Principal Consultant, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 12 minutes
Topic: Introduction to the upcoming training program
Speaker: Opening Remark (by Dr. Keith Chau, Senior Continuing Education Consultant, SPEED)
Duration: 1 minute