[Class Recap] Empowering Your Creativity and Innovation Power

Hong Kong's premier course on Empowering Your Creativity and Innovation Power was successfully conducted on March 29, 2024. Distinguished e...

[Class Recap] Developing Sustainable Business Models through Systems Thinking

Hong Kong's premier course on Developing Sustainable Business Models through Systems Thinking was successfully conducted on March 28, 2024....

[Class Recap] Creating Wonderful User Experience through Customer Journey Design

Hong Kong's premier course on Creating Wonderful User Experiences through Customer Journey Design was successfully conducted on March 28, 2...

[Class Recap] Integrating Design Thinking with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Hong Kong's first class on Integrating Design Thinking with Artificial Intelligence (AI) was successfully conducted on March 25, 2024. Dist...

[活動回顧 | 中國東莞] 設計思維與21世紀高品質教育發展國際學術研討會

(以下內容是節錄自大會的官方活動回顧,並把簡體轉為繁體中文) 會議概覽 設計思維國際學院的4位代表(義榮恩,林寶成、鍾大為及葉國洪)獲邀參與在2024年3月27日舉行,由大灣區產教聯盟指導,廣東科技學院、澳門中西創新學院、廣東博思雲科教技術有限公司聯合主辦的「設計思...


Upcoming 2-Day Design Thinking Partitioner Course (Integrating Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Your Innovation Capabi...

English | 繁體中文 Aims | Target Audience | Objectives | Date, Fee & Registration | Details | Previous Classes Part 1: Co...

[Class Recap] Empowering Your Creativity and Innovation Power

Hong Kong's premier course on Empowering Your Creativity and Innovation Power was successfully conducted on March 29, 2024. Distinguished e...

[Class Recap] Developing Sustainable Business Models through Systems Thinking

Hong Kong's premier course on Developing Sustainable Business Models through Systems Thinking was successfully conducted on March 28, 2024....

[Class Recap] Creating Wonderful User Experience through Customer Journey Design

Hong Kong's premier course on Creating Wonderful User Experiences through Customer Journey Design was successfully conducted on March 28, 2...

InnoEdge co-organized over 250 events with Government Bodies, Universities, and Industrial Associations in HK & Chin...

As a leading innovation management consulting firm in Hong Kong, we were invited by government bodies, universities, commerce chambers, and...

[Class Recap] Integrating Design Thinking with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Hong Kong's first class on Integrating Design Thinking with Artificial Intelligence (AI) was successfully conducted on March 25, 2024. Dist...

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