2024年 香港企業創新管理調查



所以,了解香港企業點樣管理創新變得尤為重要,InnoEdge x SGS「2024年香港企業創新管理調查」旨在深入探討香港企業嘅創新管理實踐,並同2019年嘅調查結果進行比較,以分析過去五年嚟企業創新管理策略同實踐嘅變化。您嘅參與將對我哋了解香港企業創新管理嘅進展同挑戰非常寶貴。

請點擊以下連結掃描以下QR碼便可以立刻參與調查問卷 (約需5分鐘完成)。完成後,您可獲得 InnoEdge顧問公司 或 SGS管理學院 的 HK$500 培訓優惠券一張。

立刻填寫問卷: https://su.vc/hkim-2024

Hong Kong Enterprise Innovation Management Survey 2024

Amidst the constantly evolving business landscape of 2024, innovation continues to be a key factor for enterprises to maintain a competitive edge. Hong Kong has been explicitly positioned as the International Innovation and Technology Hub and SMART City.

This not only directs the course for Hong Kong’s development in innovation and technology but also brings unprecedented new opportunities. Against this backdrop, understanding how Hong Kong enterprises manage innovation becomes particularly significant.

Our “Hong Kong Enterprise Innovation Management Survey 2024” aims to delve into the actual practices of innovation management among Hong Kong enterprises and compare the results with a similar survey we conducted in 2019 to observe and analyze the changes in enterprise innovation management strategies and practices over the past five years.

Please click the link below or scan the QR code to participate in the survey (it will take approximately 5 minutes to complete). After you complete it, you will receive a HK$500 training voucher from InnoEdge Consulting or SGS Academy.

Join the survey now: https://su.vc/hkim-2024

The previous report of this survey, Insights for Innovation Management of Hong Kong Enterprises 2019 (shown below), was announced on 4 January 2019. Several Hong Kong newspapers, such as the Hong Kong Economic Times and Sing Tao Daily, reported our findings.