The Design Thinking specialist of DesignThinkers Academy, Mr. David Chung (Managing Partner DesignThinkers Academy Hong Kong) was invited by the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development (HKIESD) of The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to co-host the webinar of “ESG x SDP Report- Design Thinking, Innovation Impact, and Strategy” on 3 March 2023.
The webinar was divided into 6 sessions as below:
Session 1: UN Framework for Breakthrough Impact on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Session 2: Overview of Design Thinking for Sustainability Innovation and 17 SDGs
Session 3: How H&M Developed Sustainable and Environmental Protection Products
Session 4: How to Renew the Kwun Tong Community and Preserve Their Culture
Session 5: How a Donation App Helps to Distribute Anti-epidemic Materials to Disadvantaged Groups
Session 6: Recap of this webinar and Introduction of the upcoming Joint DTA-HKIESD Course
Session 1
Topic: Opening of the webinar and UN Framework for Breakthrough Impact on SDGs
Language: 粵語
Speaker(s): Mr. Andy Fung, Head of SDG Campus, Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development of UNESCO
Duration: 23 minutes
Session 2
Topic: Overview of Design Thinking for Sustainability Innovation and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (設計思維應用於可持續發展的17個目標)
Language: 粵語
Speaker(s): Mr. David Chung, Managing Partner of DesignThinkers Academy Hong Kong
Duration: 2 minutes
Session 3
Topic: How H&M Developed Sustainable and Environmental Protection Products through the Design Thinking Method (H&M:開發可持續和環保產品)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, Managing Partner of DesignThinkers Academy Hong Kong
Duration: 8 minutes
Session 4
Topic: How to Renew the Kwun Tong Community and Preserve Their Culture (香港城市發展:如何更新觀塘社區並保護其文化)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, Managing Partner of DesignThinkers Academy Hong Kong
Duration: 10 minutes
Session 5
Topic: How a Donation App Helps to Distribute Anti-epidemic Materials to HK’s Disadvantaged Groups (M2You:為弱勢群體分發抗疫物資)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, Managing Partner of DesignThinkers Academy Hong Kong
Duration: 5 minutes
Session 6
Topic: Recap of this webinar and Introduction of upcoming Joint DTA-HKIESD Course
Language: 粵語
Speaker(s): Mr. Andy Fung, Head of SDG Campus, Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development of UNESCO
Duration: 2-minutes