Recap of the First-ever class of this course on 11 and 12 Aug 2023
Congratulations to Our Newest Design Thinking Fundamentals Course Graduates! The two-day public class of the Designthinkers Academy (DTA...
Mr. David Chung, the founder of InnoEdge Consulting and Co-founder of Designthinkers Academy Hong Kong, was invited by the Hong Kong Retail...
我們作為主辦兒童心理健康活動的機構代表,非常榮幸獲得香港電台新紫荊廣場節目的邀請,共同探討如何關懷及支持弱勢兒童的成長。 同時,我們亦詳細介紹將會在3月23日舉行的Social Hackathon 社創黑客松: 跨世代合作競賽,而比賽主題是「如何改善劏房兒童的心理健康...
Congratulations to Our Newest Graduates of the Data-Driven Service Innovation Certificate Course. The three-day public class of the Des...
Three innovation experts of InnoEdge Consulting, Mr. David Chung, Mr. Dexter Cheng & Mr. Persy Chung, were invited to conduct a session...
第三屆「中國航天夢」莞港澳徵文比賽的頒獎典禮於2023年12月30日在香港中文大學邵逸夫堂隆重舉行。儀式上,眾多嘉賓名流齊聚一堂,包括中國航天育種種質資源研究中心主任郭銳和前國家航天員、現任合肥高新區太空科技研究中心主任李慶龍。此次活動吸引了超過700位來賓與會。 自20...
Our Design Thinking specialists, Ms. Flora Chan (Partner, InnoEdge Consulting), Ms. Tiffany Liu (Senior Consultant, InnoEdge Consulting), a...
Mr. David Chung, the esteemed Managing Partner of InnoEdge Consulting, was extended an invitation by GS1 Hong Kong to lead an enlightening ...