Building Co-Creative Culture

Successful organizational transformations require some level of corporate culture change, and all organizational culture change requires leaders to lead differently and stakeholders to act differently.

To build a co-creative corporate culture for accelerating organizational transformations, all stakeholders of the change journey need to prioritize the customers’ needs. Major stakeholders align as an enterprise team that works collaboratively across internal boundaries in service to that targeted customer segment. It would help if you had people trust each other enough to stop defending turf; they need to open the line of collaboration and communication.

We help enterprises and organizations to:

  • Discover the employee’s beliefs and behaviors about organizational change and transformations
  • Define the vision, mission, and values for the organizational transformations
  • Develop a series of company-wide, department-based, and individual-forced co-creative events
  • Deliver Creativity Competitions, Innovation Jams, and Hackathon programs to empower the innovation momentum
  • Nurture Hackathon Facilitators, Coaches and Mentors to design and lead the innovation events

Empowering Staff Innovation Mind through Hackathons

Hackathon events allow employees to step away from the day job, providing time and a platform to devote themselves to something completely different, stretching their Co-creative mind skills and knowledge in new ways. We conducted and advised over 100 Customized Hackathon Events (or Creativity Competitions) and Innovation Jams for enterprises (and organizations) in different themes of innovation:

(1) Business Hackathon for Retail Secor

(2) Sustainability / ESG Hackathon

(3) Social Hackathon (4-min Video-based Recap of the event)

(4) Culture Hackathon

(5) Healthcare Hackathon

In addition, we were invited by different organizations and governments to share our expertise in designing, developing, and deploying the hackathon events. Moreover, we also provide the Hackathon facilitator and coach training programs.

The Importance of Hackathon Facilitators and Coaches (黑客松 輔引師及教練) in Leading Corporate Innovation

Hackathon facilitators, Coaches and Mentors are crucial in driving corporate innovation. They are the linchpin that links the diverse participants, complex ideas, and the goals of the hackathon.

Guiding the Process: Facilitators guide the process of the hackathon, ensuring it stays on track and achieves its objectives. They help teams refine their ideas, focus on the problem at hand, and work effectively towards a solution.

Encouraging Collaboration: With participants often coming from various backgrounds, facilitators encourage collaboration and ensure that all voices are heard. They create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas and engaging in discussions.

Ensuring Diversity of Ideas: Facilitators help maintain diversity by ensuring that every participant or team has an equal opportunity to contribute. This diversity often leads to more innovative and robust solutions.

Managing Time and Resources: Hackathons are typically time-bound events that require efficient use of time and resources. Facilitators help manage these constraints, ensuring that teams progress at the right pace and utilize their resources effectively.

Sustaining Momentum Post-Hackathon: Perhaps most importantly, facilitators play a key role in sustaining the momentum post-hackathon. They help teams refine their prototypes, prepare pitch presentations, and guide the process of implementing the developed solutions within the organization.

By driving the process and ensuring a collaborative, innovative environment, hackathon facilitators help organizations tap into their employees’ and stakeholders’ creative potential, leading to breakthrough innovations.

Do you need to develop your internal hackathon facilitators? We offer a series of training courses for hackathon facilitators