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Inquiry: +852 6395 9027 (Whatsapp) | +852 2235 9027 (Phone) | cs@innoedge.com.hk
Overview | Participants | Objecti...
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Inquiry: +852 6395 9027 (Whatsapp) | +852 2235 9027 (Phone) | cs@innoedge.com.hk
Overview | Participants | Objecti...
English | 繁體中文
Inquiry: +852 6395 9027 (Whatsapp) | +852 2235 9027 (Phone) | cs@innoedge.com.hk
Overview | Participants | Objecti...
English | 繁體中文
Inquiry: +852 6395 9027 (Whatsapp) | +852 2235 9027 (Phone) | cs@innoedge.com.hk
Overview | Participants | Objecti...
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Aims | Target Audience | Objectives | Date, Fee & Registration | Details | Previous Classes
Part 1:...
(Please click here for the video recording of the DT Facilitator Graduation Ceremony on January 2022)
為何即使是高質素的產品,銷售業績仍然不理想? 原因可能是產品優勢與顧客需求未能完全匹配…...
但是,傳統市場調查難以應對快速變化的消費趨勢。為此,設計思維3.0 的人工智能驅動設計調研工具應運而生,更突破傳統限制。
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Overview | 4 Core Strategies | Creative Business | ESG | Customer | Employee
As an innovative leader, are you
DesignThinkers Academy Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Management Association, is proud to present the inaugural Design Spri...
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The Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC), in collaboration with the DesignThinkers Academy (DTA), is hosting the "Innovation ...