On January 14, 2025, GS1 Hong Kong hosted a compelling webinar titled "AI Design Thinking for Innovative Problem Solving" in conjunction wi...
活動回顧 亞洲首創 的「AI 設計思維 (即 設計思維方法3.0)」 業務規劃 工作坊 已於1月27日在香港完成。此工作坊深入分析 DT3.0(Design Thinking 3.0)的技巧、工具和科技,並突破傳統教學模式,運用尖端AI技術為每位參與的企業管理人員,度身定...
As a leading innovation management consulting firm in Hong Kong, we were invited by government bodies, universities, commerce chambers, and...
DesignThinkers Academy Hong Kong (DTA HK) was invited by the Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) to co-organize a 1-hour seminar on Service Desi...
為何即使是高質素的產品,銷售業績仍然不理想? 原因可能是產品優勢與顧客需求未能完全匹配…...但是,傳統市場調查難以應對快速變化的消費趨勢。 為有效幫助企業有效解決以上的難題,香港互聯網及電子商務發展協會 (HKIECA) 與創峰顧問有限公司(InnoEdge Consu...
English | 繁體中文 Program Highlight As the world enters the era of Design Thinking 3.0, Hong Kong, for the first time in December 2024...
English | 繁體中文 Background Since its relocation in 2023 from Tung Chau Street Temporary Market, the Sham Shui Po New Fabric Market (...
本頁的官方網址: www.DesignThinking.Life 在2023年的 3月19日、6月30日、8月3日 和 11月12日,香港中文大學博士校友會,粵港澳大灣區校董及行政人員總會,以及創鋒教育(InnoEdge Education)成功聯合舉辦了三場免...
We are delighted to announce the successful completion of our two-day Design Thinking Fundamentals Course, hosted by Designthinkers Academy...
In this dynamic environment, comprehending how local enterprises approach innovation management is crucial. To this end, InnoEdge Consultin...