講題: 『創新管理思維、打造轉型優勢!』 轉型,需要的不只是產品或服務的改善計劃,更是比對手更能發掘藍海市場思維,及以創新的經營模式來獲得更多顧客之管理能カ。
The Think Tank of InnoEdge (Mr. David Chung and Mr. Inno Man), was invited to act as a speaker of a SGS Innovation Leadership Seminar - Inno...
The Think Tank of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, and Mr. Inno Man were invited to act as speakers at a Global Telecom Conference - iCU'17. The s...
The Think Tank of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung and Mr. Inno Man, were invited to act as a moderators of the session "Why Hong Kong becomes...
The Think Tank of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung and Mr. Inno Man, was invited to share 美容創新服務趨勢 at the monthly meeting of HK Associati...