The executive luncheon of Creating Innovative Advantage through Business Transformation (制定顛覆性創新策略,為轉型創造獨特優勢)  was held at the CityView...
The Think Tank of InnoEdge was invited by CITIC Telecom to share Business Innovation at  the Executive Luncheon of Reinventin...
『設計思維破極限,打造營商新境界』工作坊 課程定位: 透過七個香港成功創新個案,令你掌握設計思維在本地的企業之應用方式 日期: 2018年4月27日 (星期五) 時間:  A班: 3:00pm至6:00pm   B班: 7:00p...
The Senior Partner of InnoEdge was invited by PCCW Solutions to share WOW Experience Design Method at the seminar of WINNING IN THE NEW ERA ...
The expert of InnoEdge was invited by Hong Kong Kai Tak Industry and Commerce Association (香港啟德工商業聯合會) to conduct a sharing session of "Crea...
It was our pleasure to hold a Research Presentation Session for “Outlook for E-Commerce Transformation in HK 2018” on 8 March at the confere...
第三部分講題: 『顛覆創新,業績倍增』 顛覆式業務創新是以進取,甚至破格的方式,把產品、服務、渠道、甚至營銷模式, 轉化成為全方位的獨特顧客體驗,從而令顧客成為品牌的永久忠實擁護者。
在現今充滿發展機遇及挑戰的商業社會,創新對於所有企業或機構的發展起著關鍵作用。可是,商業創新並非天馬行空的概念,亦不是單純產品或服務的創新,而是一個有系統的管理過程。因此,很多企業或機構往往發現在創新的過程及成果上都遇到不少問題,但未能有系統及客觀地了解問題的根本原因。 在本研討...
講題: 『創新管理思維、打造轉型優勢!』 轉型,需要的不只是產品或服務的改善計劃,更是比對手更能發掘藍海市場思維,及以創新的經營模式來獲得更多顧客之管理能カ。
The Think Tank of InnoEdge (Mr. David Chung and Mr. Inno Man), was invited to act as a speaker of a SGS Innovation Leadership Seminar - Inno...