Design Thinking Tool: Value Proposition Mapping

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The Role of This Tool in the First Phase of the Design Thinking method

In the phase of “Determining Major Changes and Challenges,” the objective is to understand the broader context, identifying the key changes and challenges that are relevant to the problem. Value Proposition Mapping is a tool that can help with this process.

A Value Proposition Map helps to make explicit the alignment between what a product or service offers (its value proposition) and what a customer requires. It can identify the major changes and challenges by understanding the gaps between what is being offered and what the customer actually needs or wants.

It embodies the human-centered approach of Design Thinking as it focuses on understanding the user’s needs, pains, and gains and aligning these with the value proposition of the product or service.

The tool ensures that the solutions developed are deeply rooted in the understanding of what the user truly needs and wants. It emphasizes empathy and involves engaging with users to understand their experiences and challenges, which are key principles of the human-centered approach. It ensures that the design process remains focused on creating value for the user, thereby ensuring the solutions developed are not only innovative but also meaningful and valuable to the users they are designed for.

The Procedure for Using This Design Thinking Tool

Step 1: Identify Customer Profile: Start by identifying and understanding the customer whose problems you are trying to solve. This involves identifying their jobs (tasks they’re trying to complete), pains (issues they’re experiencing), and gains (benefits they desire).

Step 2: Define Value Proposition: Define the value proposition of your product or service. This includes the products and services (what you offer), gain creators (how you create benefits), and pain relievers (how you alleviate pains).

Step 3: Map and Analyze: Map the customer profile to the value proposition. Analyze the alignment between what the customer needs and what you are offering.

Step 4: Identify Gaps and Opportunities: Identify gaps (where needs aren’t being met) and opportunities (where you can exceed expectations or provide novel value).

The Worksheet of This Tool

Note: In order to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of business innovation and digital transformation projects, we have joined forces with data and digital experts to launch Data-Driven Design Thinking Tools and Technologies. Details have been announced in the seminar of 「數據驅動的設計思維,更快更準實現創新成果」. If you need to revisit the seminar, please click on the following link: