Hong Kong's premier course on Creating Wonderful User Experiences through Customer Journey Design was successfully conducted on March 28, 2...
第一部份: 研討會內容 或 線上報名(只限100位) 第二部份: 數據驅動的設計思維的「全球報導與專題文章」(國際 | 香港) 第三部份: 數據驅動的設計思維的「企業個案」(國際 | 香港) 第一部份: 線上報名(只限100位): https://us0...
The first-ever 1-Day Design Thinking Fundamentals Certificate Program in Hong Kong was held on 26 Sep of 2019. The program were conducted b...
The EMBA programme of the City University (CityU) of Hong Kong (CityU HK) and DesignThinkers Academy (DTA) Hong Kong co-hosted a webinar on...
Congratulations to Our Design Thinking Fundamentals Course Graduates! The 2-Day Online Designthinkers Academy Design Thinking Fundamenta...
The Education Team of InnoEdge, Ms. Tiffany Liu (Head Trainer of the Program), Ms. Yvonne Chan, and Mr. Simon Lee conducted a 1-day program...
『設計思維破極限,打造營商新境界』工作坊 課程定位: 透過七個香港成功創新個案,令你掌握設計思維在本地的企業之應用方式 日期: 2018年4月27日 (星期五) 時間:  A班: 3:00pm至6:00pm   B班: 7:00p...
Our Senior Partner, Mr. David Chung, was invited by IVE Business Administration Discipline to work as a judge for Design Thinking – Busines...
Enquiry:+852 2235 9027 | cs@innoedge.com.hk **Online Registration (線上報名)** Recap of the webinar on Design Thinking for Susta...
講題: 『創新管理思維、打造轉型優勢!』 轉型,需要的不只是產品或服務的改善計劃,更是比對手更能發掘藍海市場思維,及以創新的經營模式來獲得更多顧客之管理能カ。