The senior partner of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, was invited to conduct a two-day executive training workshop of "CEO總裁工作坊: 找出有用創意,你也可以!". T...
The 1-hr webinar of 企業全方位創新 (如何協同地應用設計思維與ISO 56002來建立持續創新優勢)was held on 29 January of 2021. The webinar was led by Dr. Victor Lo, Mr. Davi...
第三屆「中國航天夢」莞港澳徵文比賽的頒獎典禮於2023年12月30日在香港中文大學邵逸夫堂隆重舉行。儀式上,眾多嘉賓名流齊聚一堂,包括中國航天育種種質資源研究中心主任郭銳和前國家航天員、現任合肥高新區太空科技研究中心主任李慶龍。此次活動吸引了超過700位來賓與會。 自20...
The Senior Partner of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, was invited to share "Developing innovative experience and corporate culture through intern...
The Education Team of InnoEdge Social Caring & Sustainability Unit, Ms. Flora Chan, Ms. Tiffany Liu, Mr. Simon Lee, and Mr. David Chung...
Our Program Directors were invited by the School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) of the City University of Hong Kong to de...
There were over 25 voluntary workers and the Chairman of Kowloon City District Council,潘國華先生, participated the Design Thinking sem...
The first-ever training class of Design Thinking for “Game Changers” was held on the afternoon of 22 September 2022. The class was led by M...
The launch event of the Project Management Institute Hong Kong Chapter (PMIHK) and DesignThinkers Academy (DTA) Dual-certificate training c...
The 1-Day Design Thinking Fundamentals Certificate Program was held on 28 Sep of 2019. The program were conducted by Mr. David Chung (Senio...