The launch event of the Project Management Institute Hong Kong Chapter (PMIHK) and DesignThinkers Academy (DTA) Dual-certificate training course was held on 31 March 2022.
The event was opened by Ms. Siti Roziana Alias, Chapter Partner – Asia Pacific, PMI, and Mr. Jeroen Weide, van der, Partner of DTA Global.
In addition, Dr. Danny Chung, Region 9 Mentor, PMI, and Mr. Daryl Lim, Co-Founder of DesignThinkers Academy Asia, also shared the values of the New Dual-certificate Course from different perspectives.
Furthermore, Ms. Christine Yau, President of PMI Hong Kong Chapter, Mr. DAVID Chung Tai-Wai, Managing Partner of DTA China and Hong Kong, and Dr. Kelvin Wan, PMI-ATP and Approved Master Trainer explained the differentiation of the training courses.

About Project Management Institute Hong Kong Chapter:
PMIHK is one of the chapters of Project Management Institute (PMI) which is the world’s leading professional association for a growing global community of millions of project professionals and changemakers worldwide.

About DesignThinkers Academy Hong Kong:
DesignThinkers Academy (DTA) is one of the global leading Design Thinking (DT) training institutes. It represents 25 countries and has developed over 75,000 Design Thinkers for hundreds of top-notch companies. DTA Hong Kong aims to provide a world-class innovation model with localized practices. Innoedge Consulting Limited is the major shareholder of DesignThinkers Hong Kong Limited, we operate the training services of DesignThinkers Academy in the Hong Kong region.