Organizational Synopsis Founded in the last century, the organization (our client) stands as a distinguished beacon for youth services, ...
English | 繁體中文 查詢話報名: +852 2235 9027 | 課程大綱 | 目標參加者 | 課程目標 | 課程導師 | 學費與優惠 | 成功往績 第一部份: 課程大綱 這課程是設計思維國...
In recent years, Design Thinking (DT) has garnered substantial interest and recognition as a powerful problem-solving methodology, appealin...
繁體中文 | English 作者: 鍾大為先生 (David Chung),創鋒顧問公司創辦人 目錄與內容大綱 第一部份: 設計思維在創新管理中的核心地位 第二部份: 全球視野下的設計思維態度與能力指標 第三部份: 高效設計思考者的十項關鍵技...
由香港互聯網及電子商貿協會、OpenCertHub Academy及 InnoEdge Consulting聯合舉辦的「數據驅動的設計思維,更快更準實現創新成果」線上研討會,已經在2023年7月25日成功舉行。本次活動旨在提升商業領袖的創新效益,透過四位跨領域專家的個案分享,讓...
Congratulations to Our Newest Design Thinking Fundamentals Course Graduates! The two-day public class of the Designthinkers Academy (DTA...
We are one of the market leaders of Design Thinking in Hong Kong and were invited by the Business Discipline of Vocational Training...
Overview On February 22, 2024, the City University of Hong Kong's Marketing Department hosted a distinguished session of the Executive L...
Table of Contents: Part 1: Overview of Design Thinking Part 2: Challenges in Executing Design Thinking Part 3: Advancements in A...
由Design For Change Hong Kong、感恩城市慈善基金-香港冊慈善團體(91/10008)主辦 - 誠邀你參與全球超過 60個國家均投入參加的最大型設計思維運動 :  Design For Change (DFC) !主動解難,建立志同道合的團隊一起行動,運...