Hong Kong's first class on Integrating Design Thinking with Artificial Intelligence (AI) was successfully conducted on March 25, 2024. Dist...
In recent years, Design Thinking (DT) has garnered substantial interest and recognition as a powerful problem-solving methodology, appealin...
Overview On February 22, 2024, the City University of Hong Kong's Marketing Department hosted a distinguished session of the Executive L...
由「社創基金」撥款資助,創鋒顧問有限公司 及 浸信會愛羣社會服務處聯合主辦的第二屆「社創黑客松: 跨世代合作競賽」已於2024年3月23日在振萬廣場的The Lu+ 順利舉行。「社創黑客松」是一個以社會議題為核心的協作式製作創新方案比賽,參賽隊伍在比賽前探索劏房基層兒童的真實需...
由Design For Change Hong Kong、感恩城市慈善基金-香港冊慈善團體(91/10008)主辦 - 誠邀你參與全球超過 60個國家均投入參加的最大型設計思維運動 :  Design For Change (DFC) !主動解難,建立志同道合的團隊一起行動,運...
Table of Contents: Part 1: Overview of Design Thinking Part 2: Challenges in Executing Design Thinking Part 3: Advancements in A...
在2023年11月19日,一場匯聚創意與熱情的盛會 — 2023香港創意行動挑戰賽頒獎典禮 — 隆重舉行。本次賽事由Design For Change Hong Kong、感恩城市及InnoEdge Education聯合主辦,並得到I CAN Centre的合作支持。賽事吸引...