The webinar of 設計思維 x 創新多元化董事會 was held on 29 June 2022 and was co-organized by InnoEdge Consulting & RJK Professional Service. The Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association and SW Institute of Knowledge Enhancement supported the webinar.
The webinar was kick-off by Mr. David Chung (Managing Partner, InnoEdge Consulting). There were three speakers for the webinar, they were Ms. Flora Chan (Partner, InnoEdge Consulting), Mr. Ricky Lai (RJK Professional Service), and Mr. Paul Lee (Senior Consultant, InnoEdge Consulting).
Topic: How Design Thinking Creates Boardroom Dynamic (設計思維 x 董事會動態治理)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Ms. Flora Chan, Partner, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 16 minutes
Topic: Walmart: Building Gender Equity and Diversity Culture (沃爾瑪(Walmart):建立性別平等和多元文化)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. Paul Lee, Senior Consultant, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 13 minutes