For helping Hong Kong people to develop their personal capabilities of business creativity, the members of InnoEdge Design Thinking training team, Ms. Tiffany Liu and Mr. Jimmy Wan, were invited by the School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) of City University of Hong Kong to conduct the THIRD In-Take of 12-hour Employees Retraining Board (ERB) training course of Certificate in Creative Business Design Thinking Skills (Part-time) on 11, 18 & 25 June of 2021.

Ms. Tiffany Liu, Certified ERB Trainer and Senior Consultant of InnoEdge Consulting
Mr. Jimmy Wan, Certified ERB Trainer and Principal Consultant of InnoEdge Consulting

Recap of our recent events of Employees Retraining Board (ERB) training courses:

Recap of the second intake of ERB training course of “Creative Business Design Thinking Skills” on 7 May, 2021

Recap of Employees Retraining Board (ERB) training course “Creative Business Design Thinking Skills” on 30 March, 2021

Recap of 【應用設計思維 (Design Thinking) 提升工作效益】講座