For helping the companies in Hong Kong, Macao and the Greater Bay Area to develop breakthrough business recovery strategies amid COVID-19, Macao Professional Development Association and InnoEdge Consulting co-conducted a 1.5-hour webinar of 『應用商業設計思維,疫下仍能創出優勢』on 24 April, 2021.
Below is the video recording of the webinar and there were 8 sections of the webinar.

Topic: Uber Eats: Developed Intimate Delivery amid COVID-19 (Uber Eats:在COVID-19期間發展親密的外賣服務)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. Jimmy Wan, Principal Consultant, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 16 minutes
Topic: UNIQLO: Designed Empathetic Products & Services (UNIQLO:設計以人為本的產品和服務)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Ms. Tiffany Liu, Senior Consultant, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 15 minutes