Our Innovation Management Consultants, Mr. David Chung and Ms. Flora Chan were invited by Classified Post of South China Morning Post and MP HR Community to conduct a 1.5-hour webinar of “Why HR must learn Design Thinking for recruitment and how to design Employee Experience” on 25 February of 2021.
Below is the section one (Design Thinking best practices for Human Resource Management) of the webinar:
Topic: Overview of Design Thinking (DT) and DT’s Practices for Human Resources Management (設計思維應用於人力資源管理)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 17 minutes
Topic: The case study of P&G China (寶潔中國 (P&G China):提升員工留任率的人力資源政策)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 8 minutes
Topic: The case study of CISCO (思科 (Cisco):在24小時內改變人力資源管理的方式)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Ms. Flora Chan, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 26 minutes
Topic: Telstra Australia: Optimizing Onboarding Employee Experience for Graduate Trainees (Telstra: 優化實習生的入職體驗)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 7 minutes
Topic: An Insurance Company: Developing WOW Employee Experience for Breakthrough Sales Performance (香港的保險公司:提升員工體驗,打造突破銷售業績)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 5 minutes
Topic: Property Developer: Building Transformation Momentum through Human-Centered Employee Experience (香港的房地產開發商:通過卓越的員工體驗來推動數碼轉型)
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 7 minutes
Topic: Conclusion and Closing
Language: 粵語
Speaker: Mr. David Chung, InnoEdge Consulting
Duration: 3 minutes