The Senior Partners of InnoEdge were invited by HKCSS Institute to share the successful cases of Design Thinking in Hong Kong on 19 July 201...
Our Consultants, Mr. David Chung (Managing Partner), Ms. Yvonne Chan (Principal Consultant), and Mr. Paul Lee (Senior Consultant), were inv...
在2023年的3月19日、6月30日和8月3日,香港中文大學博士校友會,粵港澳大灣區校董及行政人員總會,以及創鋒教育(InnoEdge Education)成功聯合舉辦了三場免費研討會,主題為「設計思維(Design Thinking)生命教育與生涯規劃達人:真情對話」。這系列...
Congratulations to Our Newest Design Thinking Fundamentals Course Graduates! The two-day public class of the Designthinkers Academy (DTA...
On 15 May 2023, the highly anticipated launch event for the "Design for Change (DFC) and DesignThinkers Academy (DTA) New Dual-certificate ...
There were 16 business executives, training professionals and marketing experts participated the management training workshop of "Creating B...
Congratulations to Our Design Thinking Fundamentals Course Graduates! The Designthinkers Academy (DTA) Design Thinking Fundamentals Cour...
Mr. David Chung, the founder of InnoEdge Consulting and Co-founder of Designthinkers Academy Hong Kong, was invited by the Hong Kong Retail...
在現今充滿發展機遇及挑戰的商業社會,創新對於所有企業或機構的發展起著關鍵作用。可是,商業創新並非天馬行空的概念,亦不是單純產品或服務的創新,而是一個有系統的管理過程。因此,很多企業或機構往往發現在創新的過程及成果上都遇到不少問題,但未能有系統及客觀地了解問題的根本原因。 在本研討...
Our Design Thinking Experts, Mr. David Chung (Managing Partner), Ms. Flora Chan (Partner), and Mr. Paul Lee (Senior Consultant), were invit...