由 中大博士校友會、粵港澳大灣區校董及行政人員總會 與 創鋒教育 聯合舉辦的『設計思維生命教育與生涯規劃達人: 真情對話(二)』研討會已於2023年6月30日成功舉行。 該研討會由中文大學博士校友會主席葉國洪博士及創鋒教育校長廖嘉倩女士擔任主講,分享嘉賓包括李潔蘭女士 (...
Hong Kong's premier course on Creating Wonderful User Experiences through Customer Journey Design was successfully conducted on March 28, 2...
The Founder of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, was invited to participant the Design Thinking Conference 2019 which was hosted by DesignThinkers...
The first-ever training class of Design Thinking for “Game Changers” was held on the evening of 22 September 2022. The class was led by Mr....
InnoEdge Design Thinking Team, Mr. David Chung, Ms. Flora Chan, and Mr. Jimmy Wan, were invited by the College of Business, the City Univer...
Innoedge was invited by Angel Investment Foundation to join the different activities of Hong Kong Trade Development Council Startup Sup...
Dates: 21, 29 March, 12, 18, 25 April, and 3, 9 May 2023 (Seven Full-day Sessions with Physical Format) Enquiry:+852 2235 9027 or ...
English | 繁體中文 查詢話報名: +852 2235 9027 | cs@innoedge.com.hk 課程大綱 | 目標參加者 | 課程目標 | 課程導師 | 學費與優惠 | 成功往績 第一部份: 課程大綱 這課程是設計思維國...
訓練班的詳細內容: 請點擊此連結 網上報名 (只有35個學額): 請點擊此連結 社創黑客松 (Social Hackathon) 簡介 https://vimeo.com/867869950?share=copy 網上報名 (只有3...
The Designthinkers Academy Advanced Design Thinking Online Course (Public Class) was held on 18 to 20 March 2021. The course was led by Mr....