The Designthinkers Academy Design Thinking Fundamentals Online Course (Public Class) was held on 11 March 2021. The course was led by Mr. D...
活動內容 | 黑客松簡介 | 活動剪影 | 課程評價 | 合辦機構 | 黑客松2022回顧 活動內容 在2023年11月1日及2日,浸信會愛羣社會服務處與創鋒教育共同主辦的全港首屆「社創黑客松」輔引師訓練班成功舉辦。這次活動是一個里程碑,標誌著香港社會創新領域...
HKCSS Institute (社聯學院) held a Design Thinking seminar, 創新與執行管理研討會, on 19 July of 2018. During the event, four senior executiv...
The Managing Partner of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, was invited by Vocational Training Council to co-organize and lead the morning session o...
The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and DesignThinkers Academy (DTA) Hong Kong will co-organize a 1-day Design Thinking Fundamentals ...
The senior partner of InnoEdge Consulting, Mr. David Chung, was invited by France Macau Chamber of Commerce to share "The road to disruptive...
The senior partner of InnoEdge, Mr. David Chung, was invited to share a session of "Building an innovative advantage of business model thro...
(以下內容是節錄自大會的官方活動回顧,並把簡體轉為繁體中文) 會議概覽 設計思維國際學院的4位代表(義榮恩,林寶成、鍾大為及葉國洪)獲邀參與在2024年3月27日舉行,由大灣區產教聯盟指導,廣東科技學院、澳門中西創新學院、廣東博思雲科教技術有限公司聯合主辦的「設計思...
For helping the companies in Hong Kong, Macao and the Greater Bay Area to develop breakthrough business recovery strategies amid COVID-19, ...
Our Design Thinking experts, Mr. David Chung and Ms. Flora Chan, Ms. Tiffany Liu were invited MP HR Community to conduct a 1-hour webinar o...