Since 2019, we have been invited to support the "Design Thinking for Innovation and Entrepreneurship" program of VTC Business Discipline, s...
Our Design Thinking Experts, Mr. David Chung (Managing Partner), Ms. Flora Chan (Partner), and Mr. Paul Lee (Senior Consultant), were invit...
The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and DesignThinkers Academy (DTA) Hong Kong will co-organize a 1-day Design Thinking Fundamentals ...
The Designthinkers Academy (DTA) Advanced Design Thinking Course (Public Class) was held on 17, 19 and 20 August 2022. The course facilitat...
The webinar of Design Thinking for Education - How Empathy in Design Thinking can Unleash the Potential of Our Next Generation (締造同理心教育,為下一...
Our Consultants, Mr. David Chung (Managing Partner), Ms. Yvonne Chan (Principal Consultant), and Mr. Paul Lee (Senior Consultant), were inv...
The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Forum of "Design Thinking for Innovative Marketing Ideas" was held on 6 August 2022. The forum was co-org...
The Education Team of InnoEdge, Ms. Tiffany Liu (Head Trainer of the Program), Ms. Yvonne Chan, and Mr. Simon Lee conducted a 1-day program...
Congratulations to Our Design Thinking Fundamentals Course Graduates! The Designthinkers Academy (DTA) Design Thinking Fundamentals Cour...
Our Design Thinking specialists, Ms. Flora Chan (Partner, InnoEdge Consulting), and Ms. Yan Choi (Senior Consultant, InnoEdge Consulting), ...