What is design thinking? In a nutshell it is the belief that by starting with a goal, understanding the customer’s empathetic drivers and co...
By: David Chung 食客餓住等入餐廳,唔止全無怒氣, 而且越等越開心,越等越興奮, 這些卓越服務模式,服務企業一定要識。 https://vimeo.com/275949629  
By: David Chung 智能家居服務的價值不應只是自動化, 而是應該能夠令用家享受到 "如痴如醉" 的個人化貼身與貼心服務,才能夠在市場上脫穎而出, 甚至贏得顧客終身使用的承諾。 https://vimeo.com/275947867
As a principal designer for GE Healthcare, Doug had been designing diagnostic imaging equipment for more than 20 years when he realized that...
Cindy Tripp joined P&G in 1988 on the Charmin Brand. In 1989 she was promoted to Assistant Brand Manager, Puffs and in 1992 she was prom...
Toyota 最新所提倡的新經濟模式 "行動即是服務(Mobility as a Service)" ,有別於以往的軟體即是服務(SaaS)、硬體即是服務(HaaS),以及平台即是服務(PaaS),Toyota推出的 MaaS模式之計畫名為e-Palette,將於2021年在全球...
The wordings of Design Thinking was addressed five times in the Part III. Diversified Economy of HK Policy Address 2017 Creative I...
The Policy Address 2018 recognized Design Thinking as a problem-solving capability for Hong Kong Below is the message from the paragraph 140...
廣告公司經常要度橋開會再開會,加班屬平常事,久而久之,員工朝早上班沒精打采,工作效率大減。一間廣告公司最近就實施「六點九落閘放狗」活動,找真人扮演惡狗「狗哥」,每月兩日在六點四十五分準時出動,以關燈、落閘、舞鞭、扑頭等招數,催促員工早些收工,場面惹笑。 「同事晚晚加班,打垮健康...