Congratulations to our graduates from the DTA-DFC Design Thinking – FIDS in Education Course! Over the course of two intensive days on ...
English | 繁體中文 Aim | Knowledge Version | Importance | Objectives | Trainers | Dates, Fee and Registration | Flyer | Info Session ...
English | 繁體中文 Inquiry: +852 2235 9027 | Overview | Participants | Objectives | Trainers | Tuition Fees | Trac...
**Online Registration (線上報名)** (Please click here for the video recording of the DT Facilitator Graduation Ceremony on Januar...
In recent years, Design Thinking (DT) has garnered substantial interest and recognition as a powerful problem-solving methodology, appealin...
訓練班的詳細內容: 請點擊此連結 網上報名 (只有35個學額): 請點擊此連結 社創黑客松 (Social Hackathon) 簡介 網上報名 (只有3...
黑客松2024簡介 | 黑客松是甚麼? | 黑客松2022回顧 社創黑客松2024簡介 浸信會愛群社會服務處 及 InnoEdge Consulting 聯合主辦,由社會創新及創業發展基金 (社創基金)撥款資助的「Social Hackathon 社創黑客松:...
Hong Kong's premier course on Developing Sustainable Business Models through Systems Thinking was successfully conducted on March 28, 2024....
As we commemorate the 4-year anniversary of DesignThinkers Academy's (DTA) Design Thinking Fundamentals Course in Hong Kong, we reflect on ...
第三屆「中國航天夢」莞港澳徵文比賽的頒獎典禮於2023年12月30日在香港中文大學邵逸夫堂隆重舉行。儀式上,眾多嘉賓名流齊聚一堂,包括中國航天育種種質資源研究中心主任郭銳和前國家航天員、現任合肥高新區太空科技研究中心主任李慶龍。此次活動吸引了超過700位來賓與會。 自20...